Meaning 23.98 or 23.976
What does 23.98 or 23.976 mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word 23.98 or 23.976. You can also add a definition of 23.98 or 23.976 yourself


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23.98 or 23.976

Refers to a video image rate of 23.976 (truncated to 23.98) frames/second. This is deliberately offset from 24 frames so that a simple 3:2 process will produce the standard 59.94-fields/second interla [..]


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23.98 or 23.976

Refers to a video image rate of 23.976 (truncated to 23.98) frames/second. This is deliberately offset from 24 frames so that a simple 3:2 process will produce the standard 59.94-fields/second interlaced video.
Source: (offline)

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